Achievement this activity are owned ATBM that have been added jangkar tool to produce variants of different fabrics with fabric that had been produced by partners. The method used is direct mentoring, training, and practice by SME's partners Tenun Ikat Troso Jepara. ABSTRACT This activity aims to improve the quantity and quality of woven fabric, and improve the marketing channels that can be used by partners in increasing sales. Kata kunci: Pendampingan, Pelatihan, UMKM, Tenun Ikat. Mitra memiliki jalur pemasaran baru melalui online marketing dengan memanfaatkan website dan social media guna meningkatkan daya saing UMKM. Mitra memiliki standar operasi prosedur (SOP) produksi untuk menjaga kualitas kain yang diproduksi. Capain kegiatan ini adalah dimilikinya alat tenun bukan mesin yang telah ditambah alat jangkar untuk memproduksi varian kain yang berbeda dengan kain yang selama ini diproduksi oleh mitra. Metode yang digunakan adalah penampingan, pelatihan, dan praktek langsung oleh mitra UMKM Tenun Ikat Troso Jepara. System implementation is done using PHP programming language with CodeIgniter framework, Rest API, and MySQL database.ĪBSTRAK Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menigkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk kain yang dihasilkan oleh mitra, dan meningkatkan jalur pemasaran yang dapat digunakan oleh mitra dalam meningkatakan penjualan kain tenun ikat torso. SOP knowledge management system is connected to the personnel information system (SIPEG) so that it makes it easier for users to find, accommodate, and manage the knowledge contained in SOP documents. The results of the report of the elements of knowledge and the relationship between SOP documents found 25 SOP documents were consisting of 6 types of central nodes with 156 child nodes and had 7 types of relations containing 207 relations. Semantic networks are used to analyze components of knowledge and the relationship between SOP documents and employees. Knowledge analysis of the relationship between SOP documents and employees is done using semantic network analysis. In this study, an analysis of the relationship between SOP documents and employees is carried out so that it can be directly allocated to employees according to the position. This study aims to develop a system that can publish SOP documents automatically distributed to employees. Document Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) can manage business processes and employee performance in an organization.